37th UABA Annual Convention
Nov. 13, 2014 – Nov. 16, 2014
Omni Shoreham Hotel
2500 Calvert Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20008
Dear UABA friends and International community:
As you may know, the president of Ukraine has announced that snap parliamentary elections will be held on October 26, 2014 coinciding with the previously scheduled dates for the UABA convention. As such, the UABA Board of Governors has moved the UABA convention to a new date in November, 2014.
It is with great pleasure that the Officers and Directors of the Ukrainian American Bar Association invite you to participate in the 37th Annual UABA Conference to be held at Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC from Nov13 to 16, 2014
In the light of the events in Ukraine, this year’s conference is going to focus on what has been taking place in Ukraine and promises to bring exciting speakers and topics from the United States, Canada, and Ukraine.
Conference Program
We are looking forward to meeting you in the U.S. capital in November.
Omni Shoreham Hotel
Single Rate
Double Rate
Triple Rate
Quad Rate
Early Registration
on or before Oct, 31
Late Registration
Nov. 1, or later
UABA Member
Includes all conference events including Banquet and breakfasts except Embassy Reception which is by separate registration and admission fee
UABA Guest
spouse, significant other, or immediate family member
$185.00 Includes all conference events including the Banquet except breakfasts, and Embassy Reception which is by separate registration and admission fee.
Non Members
Full Conference
$400.00 Includes all conference events including Banquet and breakfasts except Embassy Reception which is by separate registration and admission fee
Non Members
Banquet Only
Banquet Only
Law Student
Includes all conference events including Banquet and breakfasts except Embassy Reception which is by separate registration and admission fee.
GENERAL ADMISSION for the Public to limited parts of the conference program on both days -- $15.
For reservations
The hotel is sold out November 10. If anyone wanted to come into Washington earlier, they can get the special rates, but earliest would be November 11.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the President of the UABA Petro Kostiv at: 3450 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 402, Los Angeles, CA 90010 - petro.kostiv@kostivlaw.com - 1 (213) 309-9123