Invites You to Attend a
Socially-Distanced Brunch & Networking Event
(food and beverages are included with attendance)
Saturday, October 10th, 2020
11:30 AM – 2:30 PM
(Ukrainian National Home)
140 Second Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY
(bet. E. 9th Street & St. Mark’s Place)
Meet fellow Ukrainian lawyers studying or working in the NYC area
♦ Current JD or LLM students from Ukraine
♦ Candidates awaiting bar exam results or admission
♦ Lawyers from Ukraine admitted in NYS and/or other jurisdictions
♦ American lawyers and law students of Ukrainian decent
♦ Ukrainian Diplomats (Consulate & Mission to UN) are invited
♦ Bring plenty of business cards and/or your CV
♦ Make professional connections for career advancement
♦ Meet new friends via “Speed Networking”
♦ Spouses/Partners/Friends are welcome
♦ Ask questions, get advice, meet a mentor, make a difference!
Pre-paid reservations ($40 per/person) are required in advance via Paypal on the UABA website: www.uaba.org
Attendees without a reservation are $80 per/person at the door. Casual attire.
More information: peter@lawyers-ny.com or call 718-721-7600